Friday, January 1, 2010

Random Ruse

Well I'm burning back on just one end. And it is better that way. I'm a closet control-freak. Like to keep the house in order. The laundry done. The kids spit-polished. And order in my mind. But it was worth it. All of it. I should post a few pictures. The family time was great (even my mean older brother wasn't quite as mean). My sisters... their children... my parents. Happy sigh. I feel like I won the lottery being brought into this family.

Thinking this morning of New Year's resolutions. I haven't made any in my life. I read about them. Hear about them. But usually they are something related to weight or relationships or junk food, or you name it. Me? Obviously the best resolution is to daily put first things first. And then everything after that will fall into place. I'm thinking a do-able one would be to not pick my nose in public or trim my toenails with an audience. I think those two will be mine this year. I can handle that.

But I do see wisdom in a fellow-blogger and friend. I do not want this computer junk time to get in the way of more important things like reading or listening to our many small children or having a quiet conversation with the Chairman. I did have a few the past week(s) questioning the wisdom of a blog. The necessity of it. And really, it isn't necessary. Or maybe all that smart sometimes. I do it simply because I enjoy writing. I feel like I'm talking to friends (maybe not fully realizing that someone in Bangladesh might be reading). It is an outlet for me. I don't air out dirty laundry (or try not to). I don't reveal struggles within our walls that are serious. I try not to reveal too much about our children's lives or my relationship with the Chairman. But I do try to paint a picture of reality here. And it is an outlet for me. Plus... Lisi will surely have a few more tails tales to tell.

Last night we brought in the new year with a great group of people. I think I've said it before, but we are beyond fortunate for good friends. I didn't have a drop of relationship overlap with any of them. But they feel like family. And I love that.

And so... Happy 2010. Will see you around!


  1. I am like order! Hard to see our last bit of company go...knowing it will be years before we see her again.

    I have had a lot of thoughts about blogs and such...the answer for me is the balance. Have I taken care of what I need to. I also have meant 3 very interesting ladies and have had some very deep conversations with never know...ever. Plus I am like you...I enjoy writing.

    Happy New Year to you!

  2. I like your resolutions... the kind you can manage! Happy New Year!

  3. my opinion? i would really really miss you if you quit blogging. you and i don't really do the phone thing. long hand letters are..well..kinda not happening so how else to know how you're sorta kinda doing? for me the positives outweigh the possible negatives of blogging. one could always go private but then how to meet new cool people? i'm guessing the people that question the "wisdom" of blogging aren't that into writing..they're not "cursed" with the urge to express with the written word...although, i agree with your attempt at being balanced and not airing everything..

  4. Thanks for your thoughts. I have to say that your blog is on my top favorites list....
