Friday, January 8, 2010

"Wood you like to know?"

It's not my fault I was born a Taurus. My dad at times (in desperate frustration) would say to me, 'why are you so bull-headed?' Um. Because I was born under the sign of the bull? Um. Because of genetics? Um. Because that's me? And so... it proved itself the past day.

Yesterday I had a bit too much time on my hands and decided now was the time to get wood. We had a few week's worth yet, but might as well call, right? The woodstove is working wonderfully and don't want to be caught short do we? So I check on-line some pricing and then actually call the place we used last year. They could do my special request - 2/3 oak, 1/3 mixed. Proper mixing you see as we need the mixed for starting and the oak to burn long and hot. I digress. I might add as a bit of background that we were about an inch and 5 mph short of a real blizzard when I called. Oh sure! Here's the price (sounded good), and we can deliver that tomorrow. Well... ok I guess. Sure. If the storm is done. It will be? Ok. Seems a bit soon, but oh well. Then I get nervous. Oh boy. The Chairman likes discussing things like this. But hey, no big deal. It's just a humongous pile of wood. We can deal with it. And so I tell him (in passing) that they are delivering it. When? Why? The weather is terrible! There's ice out there! We don't need it for a month! Why didn't you ask me? I (trying to practice meekness) say I'll call in the morning (that being this morning) to tell them not to bring it. So promptly at 7:45 I call. Give an explanation that we really don't need it this soon. I don't have help. It's icy out there, etc. Hang up and about 2 minutes later they call back (not a good sign). Hello Linda? The truck is already loaded and we need to bring it. We wouldn't normally, but we loaded your 'special blend' and it's waiting to go. Ok. Oh boy. I need to tell the Chairman. He's not happy. He stares at me. He looks at the log racks. And mutters something about liking people to ask his opinion before making decisions. Says I would help you today, because I like stacking and the exercise. But work and duty calls and off he goes.

And promptly at noon the truck comes. Not just any old truck. A dump truck. A big dump truck very, very full of wood. "Hank" or whatever he's called (but Hank fits since he's wearing a huge coverall do-hicky) asks where to dump it... does his business. Says, 'wow, that's a lot of wood!', collects his check and off he goes. And I looked at it. Ohmyword. That's a HUGE pile. And so I pulled on my gloves in the 15 degree weather and started to stack. And stack. And stack. Luckily the three log racks are in the garage out of the wind. But still. And so I stacked some more. Trying to properly do it like the Chairman would like. (He even called at one point and said, let me do the last rack.) When the kids came home I went in for some caffeine and encouraged them to come out. And bless their little beating hearts... they rallied to the cause and we got done! And it was good and proper and stacked neatly. And I learned a good lesson on being bull-headed. Learned that asking advice from the other one in the home is a good idea. And learned that there is a huge reward for hard work when really... it is your right and proper duty to do since you made the mess in the first place.

So without further ado, I'll go enjoy the warmth of the stove. I earned it!


  1. Good job done!! You'll be stiff tomorrow!

  2. I'm still laughing. Hank was wearing Carhartt coveralls mind you and if he thought it was a lot of wood... it was A LOT.

  3. thanks for sharing the rest of your wood. We had a nice fire after gospel mtg last night. The wood IS perfect. Thanks for sharing your lunch with us too. Have a super week.

  4. sounds to me like papendorfs has seen that wood with her own eyes!
