Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Musings

I sure look forward to this time with you musing...  really I do.

We had a journey to the Twin Cities over the weekend.  The purpose was a memorial service for my dad's sister.  The most important aspect of it was that we could lay her to rest with the peace that she had received the same in the last couple of months.

It was super-special to be with family again.  It was super-special to see some special people again.  Some we know more by name/face than in person.  And in person didn't disappoint.  It was super-special to be with some that I knew 20 years ago when I lived there.  They might look somewhat different, but they 'feel' the same.  One man only knew me by my voice.  So I must have changed (I'm certain for the better...:-) ) as well.  I can relate when some come back on a 'home visit' and they stare at people trying to figure out if that father with the little boy is the kid they remember some years back.  I sure did that.

The topography was exactly the same, but the landscape was very different.  In a span of nearly 18 years, huge shopping complexes and condos are built where old houses once stood.  Life goes on.

One somewhat funny moment was meeting a very kind man that I am related to.  He came up to me after not seeing each other for probably close to 15 years and he said, 'hello Big Lady'.  Well the blog was the furthest thing from my mind at that moment and I was thinking, 'wow, he really thinks I have put on a few'.  He must have seen that look in my eye and then said, 'you know, the blog?'.  Oh yes!  For sure!  heh heh

On our way home, we pulled into the Culver's lot and got not custard, but a kitten.  Simba is officially part of our family (unless he really, really messes up and has to go back to the farm and live with his mother again).  This little two pound golden ball of fuzz seems to be a bright little thing.  He spent part of his first night in the screen porch on the chest of the Chairman (who was nearly against this latest adoption).  pssst.  Don't tell the Chairman I shared this sweetness.  So far, so good.  Until he decides to do some naughty little thing that I'm sure he will do at some point.  He will be mostly an outdoor kitty.  But until he is big enough to not to be supper for a raccoon or prey for a hawk, we will keep him safely in his little box in the porch.

Here are some pictures of the kitty and dog.  I am dreadfully sorry that I forgot my camera on our trip to 10,000 lakes.

very anxious to meet her new pal
Well this is enough this time.  I have some introductions to do between the 75 lb. dog and the 2 lb. cat.  Could be very interesting...  I'm sure Lisi will have something to share before too long.


  1. i'm pretty sure the chairman doesn't
    want scratches all over his bmw

  2. nice lion king reference.... i hope he wont be as big as simba

  3. I love, love, love kittes...and I love the name you all chose!

  4. Fun, fun! This reminded me of years ago and my dad stating how he DIS-liked cats...etc, grumble, etc. One Sunday afternoon we kids found him taking a nap on the porch with the cat curled up on his chest. HAHA! Not sure we ever let him live that one down.
