Thursday, March 13, 2014

Theatrical Thursday Thoughts

Why theatrical the reader asks?  Because I'm not there!  I purchased tickets for the girls and myself to go see the high school's latest music/theater production.  Well the Chairman said he was very interested in going.  And son #1 has volleyball practice.  So I stayed home and the Chairman left on a father/daughter(s) date!  I'm honestly enjoying the p&q here.  Except for the occasional snoring sound emitting from Lisi's bed.

This is how the seasons go in Dairyland...

When the cat's away, the mice will play.  When the cat comes back, the mice go 'gack'.  So glad grass is being exposed and Tiger Tom has the itch to kill back again.
sleep by day, hunt by night...
I started reading the latest 'Real Simple' magazine.  There was an article in there written by a lady who was describing her experience with their premature son.  The parallels were stunning to our experience.  Same birth weight.  Same challenges.  Same length of life.  Same goodbyes.  Same utter grief.  I read it out loud to the Chairman and cried through a lot of it.  I was so glad she could put to words what was and sometimes is in the heart.

I am so very uncool.  I posted a TBT (throw back Thursday) picture on FB this morning.  Apparently I did something grievous and I still don't know what it was, but apparently "moms" aren't supposed to do TBT - especially that of a mom in a farm scene with a puppy.  There was eye-rolling and guffaws and what-not.  Lincoln was a balm to our lives at just the right time.  So here it is.  And apologies to the MYP that think I'm so uncool.  

Stealing something from FB.  Kinda sums up life with teens.   

Love me when it’s hardest to do, like me when I don’t like you
Give me, but with restraint. Never let me say “I can’t”
Support me no matter what, but recognize when it’s my fault
Accept me whenever I dare, & always show me that you care.
Guide me (without a fight), hug me every time I’m right.
Warn me when you think I’m wrong, and help me always to be strong.
Understand when I’m difficult, or hostile, angry, rude, abrupt.
If you can do this when I’m thirteen, you’ll be proud when I’m eighteen.
It’s hard to be the kid in between- if you’ll remember, you’ll know what I mean.
So help me through this trying time, and one day soon, I promise, I’ll shine.

Yes the MYP are now in or hitting the teens, they are just bigger versions of who they used to be.  Bigger versions with (sometimes) hilarious mood swings and ideas, but deep down they are still tender-hearted and we love to be with them.   I know this is true or the Chairman wouldn't have rushed home to have time with his girls tonight.  While I sit alone... listening to a dog snore...


  1. I love your TBT...Oh!... but that bundle of love and fur and puppy breath would certainly be balm to a broken heart! The seasons poster is perfectly true in NE as well. We've had the one day in March already that made me irrationally optimistic.

  2. As ever, lovely post with a little of just about everything.
    And what's wrong with that pic of you and the puppy?????
