Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thought-provoking Thursday

Just kidding!  I'm not deep and wise like that.  This will be the same shallow Muse that usually happens on this page.

I've been wishing death upon something and I don't think it is proper for me to feel that way.  You see approximately a year and some odd months ago, one of the MYP really, really wanted some new fish.  I thought we would just get a couple of goldfish at the local Walmart to appease her desire.  And so, "Harry" and "Styles" joined the family.  Fifty-four cents later and lots of water down the drain, they still are swimming and I wish they would die.  In fact, when I changed the water yesterday, I hardly let it sit long and it was chilly enough that they would have wanted a jacket, but yet they swam on.  ((sigh))

Even Simba is trying to induce a heart attack.
Do you read obituaries in the paper?  I have lately and I've come to enjoy it.  I remember the saying that old people read the obituaries every day to make sure they're not listed.  Yesterday, there was a fascinating lady that died in her 90's that immigrated here from Poland.  She married her husband just before the outbreak of WWII, lost two daughters during the war while her husband was fighting.  Then her 8-year old son and husband immigrated to our area and she followed a year later with another son.  Her husband died of an accident by age 35 and she struggled with many jobs to support her then four children.  The obituary was informative and written in a way that made me wish I could have met that lady.  

I've got this handy-dandy calendar up on a wall in the kitchen to keep track of the family events each day.  However, I get an "F" this week.  I got all dressed up for the honor roll breakfast a day before it happened.  And yesterday I took daughter #2 to her basketball game and it was already half-time as the game started an hour earlier than I thought it did.  I don't think I'll get the "Mom Award" this week.  

Good-riddance to some goods on its way to Goodwill...

And then there's this picture!  Our house with a brilliant sky in the background.  My neighbor sent it to me while I was sitting in a gymnasium the other night (made that game on time!).  Wow!  And to think I don't like the month of November.

Did you know Aldi sells dreadful little cookies that taste exactly like Girl Scout Caramel Delights?  Now you know and your hips will not thank you for the information.

See?  I told you it wouldn't thought-provoking.  I try to be honest if at all possible...


  1. I am thinking next year I should muse and think and see what happens on the blog. I enjoy yours. I might even enjoy mine. We'll see if I remember or do it and it's cold here, too.

  2. I learned in training last week that Albert Nobel did read his own obituary in the paper when his brother died and somehow the newspaper thought it was him. He didn't like the obituary, which named him the "father of death" because he invented dynamite. So when he died, he willed most of his money to a fund that awards the Nobel Prizes.
