Monday, March 31, 2008


I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. Had a great past weekend. I got sicker... and think I may have had walking pneumonia. I'll live to see this one through though. Rayna and Mira got better. Trevor got sick yesterday. A fever and then got sick in the night. But went to school by 10 and survivied.

Loved having Uncle Alan with us. We went and got him Friday and glad he spent time with us. Also got in on other visits around the table with our C&G for lunch and then Sunday supper up in Mequon with others. He's off to IL now and in great form.

Have meeting here this week which will be nice and our special is on Sunday. I hope we don't get snow!!!

It poured rain here a lot today, so Lisi didn't get the normal walk by noon like she does. I got back from running errands and was heading back to get another load out of the van and felt a good 'nip' in the rear! I turned around and she was standing there with her eyes dancing, her tail wagging, and the silliest look on her cute, but naughty little face. So right then and there I decided it was out for both of us despite the fact we got very wet. Anyway, I'll need to be more diligent to 'nip it in the bud' and walk her no matter the weather so it doesn't end up being a nip in the rear.


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend. Maybe I should get a puppy like yours for motivation to get moving! I could stand a "nip" or two somedays.
