Whew! And... they were pretty good! Six of 'em. Kids that is. For three days. The 'extras' must have gotten a stern talking to on listening. Being nice. Fitting in. Whatever. It worked. They were good. Well, the 2-year old did what every 2-year old would do. Wants to be in charge. Gets stubborn. Hates naps. Would rather have an entire meal of 'stawbewwies' than eat anything else. But we survived! I found it interesting that I really and truly forgot that 2-year olds are messy. Can't just go get their shirt and put it on. Need lots of snacks. It hasn't been that long and I hardly remember it! Weird. And I almost must admit, I kinda miss them. Kinda. Sorta. After I've slept I could probably do it again. The small fry here didn't like the little one added to the mix. I saw a nasty side of human nature. A worry before bed, 'do you like her more than me?'. No. But she has more needs than you. And I love you with my whole being. But she needs me now. And you will always have me.
Now on to a new week ahead! I just heard some very happy news.
I love days like this. Joy!
you still had time to comb some braids!
ReplyDeleteIt drives me crazy when you "hint" at some news and then end the post! Haven't changed a bit, have you!
ReplyDeleteI think we heard the same news and Jim's reply,"That is really special!" I have to agree.
ReplyDeleteSo are you going to share the "news" with me? Pretend I still live down there and share it with me.:)