Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Musings

Wow.  Blogger looks very different this morning.  Hope the words come out just the same.

I was a crabby mom this morning.  Don't ask me why.  It just felt like none of the MYP woke up with a lick of sense.  Maybe they were crabby because it was Monday morning.  Or maybe son #1 was crabby because he had a dental appointment that included a shot.  Or maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  Nonetheless, we sent them on the bus with a smile.  Sorta.

The weekend was very nice though!  We celebrated "Gotcha Day" (X12) by letting her pick a couple friends to sleep over.  Nice girls I tell ya.
A. also came from China and appreciates Gotcha Days very much.

Special friend S...

The brother who has a phobia of cameras of late...

We got some yard work done.  (Pics taken by one of the MYP)

one of my eager helpers

a nice shot of the neighbor's truck
At the local Barnes and Noble, I was killing time while waiting for baseball practice to get done.  A fit lady in her mid-20's smiled at me big and started to walk my direction.  Oh dear.  She's going to comment on me leaving my daughters in the children's section.  She's going to ask why my hair is so beautiful gray.  She reads Pioneer Woman's blog too and loves the cookbook I was perusing.  But no!  She asked, 'where did you get your shoes?  I've been looking all over for them.  So if you must know:   
Then we went out for a lovely Chinese meal.  Did you know the older your foreign-born children are, the less people ask questions in public?  When we had a little baby/toddler, people came up all the time.  Now we almost never get a question or comment.  I like that actually.  Because for us, this is what a normal family looks like.  

Son #1 was complaining about his sheets being dirty.  I realized I hadn't washed them in ages a little while.  Do you know what this kid did?  Took them to the washer and had me help him get it started.  Dried them.  And put them back on his bed all by himself!!!  Whoot!  Some day, his wife will thank me.

We had a very nice day with Dad and Mom R. yesterday.  Unfortunately, I didn't take one picture to prove how happy they were to be here.  :-)

On a very random note, this is my 799th post.  Hmmm.  I wonder what I've all said in the past?  

So back to the yard work and granola making and laundry folding and dog walking and shuttling kids and whatever else I think of doing in between.  This isn't real funny because I'm crabby... remember?

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