Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Musings

I've had my head deep inside the washer drum, the dryer tub, the dishwasher... you get the idea.  Not a lot of musings that would be amusing.

We live in an area where we have a lot of friends if you know what I mean.  All of these friends like these same people and want them to stay with them too.  When we get the wonderful opportunity - or better described as privilege- to have some special people come and stay with us, well it is very nice.  Very nice.  The house is filled with anticipation beforehand.  And feels empty after.
take note that Sunday clothes don't last long with one of the MYP...
We had a free day and the consensus was to go tour the local pizza plant!  You  can read all the details here!  I found it quite interesting.  Especially when Jacimo (pronounced Jock-i-mo)- the CEO came in to tell us his favorite toppings and chat with us.  The lady tour guide said we were 'honored' to have him pop in like that.  Well of course!  We walked away stuffed and crossed another item off our bucket list.

We are still doing a lot of this.  
Hanging out at the local ski hill.  We have all graduated off the bunny hill and are tearing down "Racers Ruin" with the best of them.  Sorta.  Like rookie-skiers.  I've come to really enjoy it.  If you know me at all, you would know that I'm not the gifted athlete you imagine.  So finding something that I enjoy besides walking the pooch is kinda neat!  Especially when we see the three MYP tearing down the hill before us on their skis/snowboard.

It came!  My very first edition of the 'Chairman and company'.  The first entry was July 4, 2007.  I will order the subsequent years once my ship comes in.  I was balking at the price, but came to the realization that I don't have any hobbies except the aforementioned skiing.  And this is for the family time capsule some day.  So it is worth every penny.

Well Lisi is pacing on the back deck wondering why I'm not outside walking off the big egg salad sandwich I just polished off at lunch.  So I better go do it.  But first!  A picture of a cute kitty sunning himself.


  1. The scrapbooker here is very excited for your new book! :) I'm wondering which company you went with, and how you think it turned out?

  2. Same question as Maxine. I have been wanting to do this for sometime, and have wondered what company to use, and how the quality is?

    Yay for special company!!
