Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday Words

There are lumps of dirt.  Lumps of clay.  Lumps of dough.  Lumps of sugar.  Those lumps are useful, helpful, edifying, and even sweet.  This lump isn't.  This lump is the enemy and it was found two days ago in my mom's body.

Thankfully, she is vigilant in checking.  Thankfully it initially seems to be contained.  Thankfully she lives near my sister and me.  Thankfully she is in good hands with the nearby cancer center and a niece that is a medical advocate.  However, unfortunately, this is the third time she has had to face this battle.  And this time they cannot just remove the enemy, they have to remove all of where the enemy is hiding.

I noticed when my mom wrote the e-mail to our family about this lump that not once did she mention the enemy by name.  She didn't need to.  We know who 'it' is.  And she, and we supporting her, will do all that is possible to get the enemy out as soon as possible.

Some of you don't know my mom.  But I do.  She is one of those people that you could be around for days and months and years and never tire of her.  She has such a gentle, sweet Spirit of kindness.  She has always helped, nurture, and encourage with a touch of humor.  Always.  This whole thing makes me sad.  Maybe not because life is unfair and the enemy is icky.  It just makes me sad that she and my dad have to go through this again.  The third time.

They have an enormous support system in friends, family, and something even deeper , richer, and hidden.  That will help so much.  If you know and want to encourage this fine couple as they face this hurdle once again, please do.  They love others more than themselves.


  1. I'm so sorry, one of my greatest fears is "again". I hope for a good outcome.

  2. Makes me cry. I remember how I felt when my MIL's enemy showed up the third time. That enemy was conquered yet again, and pray the same for your mom.

  3. Thanks for letting us know..first I had heard it and I hope the best for your dear mom. She's exactly what you say she is and I only wish I knew her better! It's hard on you, too, as the dear daughter. Hugs to you, my dear. Take care and breathe..we have so much to live for and appreciate ...wish I could see you and give you a hug!

  4. Ugh... I am very sorry you all have to deal with this again. Sending only love your way. I love the description you gave of your Mom. She is beautiful.

  5. I never knew your Mom had fought with that enemy..... sorry to hear there is yet another fight ahead for her. I'm glad they live close to you and your sister. We will be thinking of them and family.

  6. Tough news. I DO know your Mom, though I haven't seen her for a very long time...maybe you could PM me her address on Facebook and I will send her a card. Glad she has such loving family to help her down this road again!!

  7. I am so sorry! For her, for you, & others that love & care for her. My grandmother fought it, it won. but my MIL fought it & conquered. It's everywhere. I love your description of her, I could only wish to have those qualities!
