Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Musings

See that family above?  Yes, it is my family.  It was taken a month and a half ago at a wedding.  I'm posting it mainly because I love that bunch of people.  My parents are there with us and not on a trip somewhere (!), my slightly older sister actually looks almost younger than I do, and my mostly nice older brother was mostly nice.  My nieces, nephews, and the mates my family has chosen... well happy sigh.  You read about blessings in life and I count those next to me on that picture exactly that.  

I had a couple interesting hits again by people searching Google.  Quezon City, Philippines was looking for "thinking bulb" and for some reason the search led them here.  I'm thinking more on the lines of "dim bulb", but who am I to argue with Google?  The other was from Bangalore, India.  The search was "who chairman daily bread".  It is possible they found their answer here.  Or not. 

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day!  Hooray for love and chocolate and flowers and all things pink and red and rosy.  We have been married for over 17 years.  I would consider it (and I think the Chairman would agree) a healthy marriage.  Sure, we have our disagreements, but nothing major.  We are in a comfortable spot.  So... what is expected of us on these holidays?  In all honesty, the Chairman is much more romantic than I am.  I feel a surge of affection when someone helps me out without being solicited.  I feel warmth swell in my heart for small gestures like turning on my seat heater.  I feel loved when I know that I can trust him completely with guiding our family.  The roses and the cards are ok, but the other stuff is better.  See?  I'm not a romantic I guess.  

We went ice skating at a nearby rink on Saturday.  It was my first time on skates for many years.  I'm no Nancy Kerrigan, but I can still slice the ice with ease.  As I floated along, I was very busy people watching.  And I came to realize this was just awesome.  It was like watching people in a shopping mall or public event on steroids!  You not only could watch who was with who, who was wearing what, but the added bonus of someone looking very nervous, or better yet!!!  Falling on their hinder right before you and then swallow a big bite of their pride as they got up again.  Yes, awesome indeed.  The other observation was that good-looking people does not = good skaters.  One tall, dark, handsome fellow came out looking quite smug with his designer puffy jacket and expensive jeans.  I noticed him several times and then WHOOPS!  Down he goes! I'm all for good slap-stick humor.  Nothing better.

I awoke this morning at 4:52 am.  Why you ask?  Because I did.  I wish sometimes I wasn't a morning person.  Unfortunately, daughter #2's apple didn't fall far from the tree.  Her bus comes at 7:40.  Her feet hit the ground running at 5:59 this morning.  I ask why she is up so early.  "I'm done sleeping."

In light of some changes that have happened to some dear people this week that care for our souls, I'm thankful that we can trust that things will remain the same in spite of change.  We will miss him and his kind ways.  But no matter what, the prospects are fair ahead.


  1. You betcha, sista. No roses for me either. Time with my favorite person is all I want.

  2. Very nice Family Picture. Thanks for posting.
