Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's thoughts...

I bet you thought that was me, didn't you?  Well, I wasn't sitting on our bed.  I don't have that dark of hair.  And I wasn't smiling.  But I was sitting in my pajamas until 11:55 this morning at the desktop computer sorting, filing, and downloading pictures.  I've gotten 2008-2010 done!  Only one year to go!  But since I have about 1,300 pictures soon on their way to my mailbox, I'm going to wait to do 2011.  I sorted judiciously.  But apparently, I take too many pictures.  Or we have too many friends.  Or our trips are wildly fun.  Or something.

On a side note, I take way too many pictures of Lisi.  She's doesn't have bad hair days and always has that sappy sweet look on her face and so I click away.  I remembered this morning an old neighbor who had just lost her dog was lamenting that they didn't have one picture of him during his life.  Fascinating.

The insurance company won again.  You see I had a mammogram in January.  I went three weeks sooner than my original date because my doctor felt it was necessary based on symptoms.  Well now insurance company says that because I had 'symptoms', it wasn't considered routine and now we are out north of $500 because of that.  I tried a couple loop holes.  Mrs. Insurance Lady wasn't impressed with my effort.  (insert heavy sigh).  On a positive note, cysts aren't serious.

Bernie Bart Jr. is still alive.  He's the betta.  But I have yet to see him eat one pebble of food.  He spends his days (and presumably nights) under the little castle.  His gills continue to move.  If I lift the castle, he darts back under it.  Based on non-scientific research, the water might be cold - hence causing him to bury himself. We could spend $40 for a heated tank for our $3.99 fish.  It would be cheaper to buy him a jacket.  Or better still, flush him.

Two interesting articles in the paper today.  You can now inhale caffeine!  The devices look like asthma inhalers.  No thanks.  I'll stick to my cup of joe in the morning.  The other mentioned a 15.5 lb. baby born in China.  Yes, that's huge.  But my sister-in-laws claim to fame in all this is a baby that was over 11 lbs. when he was born.  And he wasn't c-section like the little porker in China.  So I think sis-in-law gets more credit.

Think my brain is now completely void of another thought.... (keep your snickers to yourself please)

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't too impressed, either, with the highly touted Chinese baby. One of our friends gave birth 5 times - the first baby was around 10 pounds and each one got bigger in succession, with the last one weighing over 13 pounds. All natural deliveries. And she was not a large woman.
