Monday, April 28, 2008


Nothing too earth-shattering with the kiddies today..

1) Lots of tears. Manny sat in Devin's chair during open centers and he was so troubled he couldn't accomplish anything except wipe his eyes. Maggie stayed up until 10 and was so tired she started to cry. Stupid parents.
2) Keri got really, really close to my face and just stared at my cheek again. I always get the willies as it feels like she's ready to kiss me. Or maybe she's wondering where my makeup is? Or maybe I look old? (refer to earlier posting).
3) Jason still likes glue. Or boogers. Anything to peel off his fingers. Sides of head now shaved and a huge mop of hair on top. Ethan said to me as soon as I walked in the room. 'Doesn't Jason look weird today?' Quite frankly yes, but I couldn't say that.
4) Hazel looked dreadfully sad. I asked her why. Grandma left to go back home to KS today. I told her to write Gma her feelings.
5) A big argument ensued on the reading carpet. Kyle was reading. Manny was mad. What's the problem boys? Kyle said, 'Manny is my reading partner'. Manny said, 'I asked Kyle to be my reading partner but he asked me first and I want him to be my partner not me be his partner'. WHAT?
5) Grace came and said there's a problem at the other table. Who is causing the stir? Mira! She's being mean to me. Mira turns around and looks at me with a very nervous, yet impish grin. I just looked at her and she said, 'ok, I'll be good'.


  1. Hrmmm... Mira takes after her Mommy, I see. ;) Just kidding. Kind of.

  2. sounds exhausting...and yes that must be you shineing forth from mira!

  3. I laughed out loud at this post. It totally cracked me up. Kids are hilarious.
