Saturday, April 19, 2008


Just outside with Lisi for the last walk of the night and I heard something that gave me pause. Something I love to hear. And then I thought of three things I love to hear and three things I don't like to hear. Here goes:

Pleasant - frogs croaking in the pond, a perfect blend of a cappella voices singing hymns, and the giggles of our three kids

Not so pleasant (for me anyway) - wind chimes (of any kind), Harley Davidsons (I know... I live in Milwaukee area - home of the HD), and too loud of music in a car next to mine

There are lots more of good and bad sounds, but those just popped into mind immediately. And yours????


  1. i HATE hate hate loud music in cars next to me..some literally change the pace of my heart..makes my heart go thump thump to their car radios beat.

    we have peepers ( small frogs) peeping here too..i like that sound. otherwise, i tend to be real fond of silence.

  2. Jet skis. I HATE hearing jet skis buzzing around like mosquitos on the lake. On the other side of the coin, I loved hearing the cardinals sing when we lived in WI. We don't have them here and I miss hearing their beautiful songs.

  3. Definitely like the sound of frogs croaking/singing at night, and crickets singing, and cicadas buzzing in the trees, and roosters crowing in the morning, and birds singing in the ditches while walking or running in the countryside.

    I don't mind loud music in cars, actually, but fingernails on a chalkboard give me the willies.

  4. Oh... and what Anita said over at her place about alarm clocks going off... and more annoying is when they go off every five minutes because someone keeps hitting the snooze. Doesn't happen at our house, but at convention? Oh man... I could go on and on about this one. Thanks, Anita B., for reminding me so I could rant. ;)

  5. I like:
    *Brett laughing hysterically like when he's really tired (I do it too),
    *Fireworks on the 4th of July (not before or after!)
    *waves on the beach along with the gulls

    *Any kind of repetitive banging or kicking - Damon & I go crazy with this type of thing
    *Neighbors dog barking endlessly especially during nap time
    *Kids screaming outside - better be hurt if you're screaming!!

  6. I HATE loud music in cars (or really any place), dogs barking, popping knuckles, alarm clocks (and yes, convention is the worst!!)sounds like a few of us could have a BIG rant about that!
    I love the early morning sounds of birds, (my) wind chimes, cicadas on summer evenings, happy children's voices, the sound of a large group singing grace before a meal, gentle rain,...just a few of my favorite things :*)
