Monday, April 27, 2009

Must be Monday

* The frogs are a croakin'! Lots of ponds + lots of rain = lots of frogs (or toads?) I love the sound nonetheless.

* Back to the woodwork tomorrow. Now the sealing coat(s). So far as I can tell so far, it'll need two coats with a bit of sanding in between. My parents are the lucky winners to help tomorrow!

* I was out doing errand running this morning and saw Robin Hood! Really! He was actually an elderly Robin Hood on a bicycle. Sporting a tyrolean hat, knickers, a vest, and long sleeve shirt underneath. I was so startled and smiling at the same time he gave me a big wave. I was about ready to shoot an apple off his head. Something you don't see everyday for sure.

* Trevor got locked out of the house on Saturday night. Mira thought he was just trying to get in the front door (and me too). So he kept ringing and ringing (I was helping Rayna in her shower) the doorbell. Finally about 5 minutes (or more) later I hear loud crying on the front porch. I run out there and he's nearly hysterical. Partly because he was locked out. But moreso because he was ready to strangle Mira. I explained that the back door locks on its own sometimes and she didn't lock him out. Whew!

* I've gained nearly 4 lbs that I can't get off. Well I haven't tried terribly hard, but still! It is making me nervous. I need to waddle a little faster on the walks I reckon. Middle-age?

* Lisi started her Canine Good Citizen class today. It's doggy boot camp! Really! We'll have to really practice 'meets and greets' with friends and strangers. It's her biggest weakness... showing self-control with others. Ugh. The rest of it she's doing excellent.

* Piano is being tuned today! We have an old upright that isn't beautiful to the eye, but to the ear. I love it. Paid less than $100 back in my single MN days... and it has done well. But only tuned twice and still hardly needs it. But after the move, I better, right?

* Time to mop!

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