Friday, November 28, 2008

Sitting stone

Oh man. I don't recommend kidney stones to my fiercest enemy. They hurt. Like childbirth. Only maybe worse?

I did have an awesome day yesterday with family. The pain subsided enough to be there. But last night it hit with gusto again. And whoooeeee. It is fierce again today.

Hoping that there is good news soon. So far I've drank: gallons and gallons of water, a lot of Coke, olive oil mixed with lemon juice, lemon juice mixed with water, and cider vinegar mixed with water. Home remedies that haven't worked!



  1. So glad you could at least enjoy the family day together. Hope it gets better REAL soon!

  2. Linda,

    I am so sorry that thing hasn't passed. My dad has had stones and he highly recommends taking yourself to the hospital and asking that they "go get it." Instant relief. Big bill later.

    Maybe you could try standing on your head. Perhaps the stubborn thing needs to go backwards not forwards. Just a thought.

  3. you'd better get rid of that thing- I'm getting tired of having to feel so sorry for you...

    kidding. I really do hope it passes soon! Glad you could enjoy T-giving day.

  4. Man, I am SO SORRY you are STILL enduring this ugly thing. Keep us posted so we can all breath easier when it finally works it way out of there.
