Sunday, November 9, 2008

Super Sunday!

They usually are. We had a great day. Encouragement for the soul and friends for company! We were 15 in all today. A great time on a cold and snowy day. And we have leftovers which I love to have! I really cook a bit extra on purpose. But once, when we were all sitting around the table with a group I mentioned how much I love leftovers after. And then. Well. Um. I guess we shouldn't eat more than, Linda? Boy did I feel stoopid!

Can you tell I'm writing on a new computer? A deal at Sam's. I still have a bunch of pictures on the old cpu that needs to be printed out. So I might have to hassle in getting that all switched. Plus I need to still add a printer to this one. And... you know how computers are. But horrors! We were off-line for a few hours yesterday. Scary!

And we got a new snowblower. You see driveway #1 had one that even I could shovel. Driveway #2 is longer and wider. It is delivered on Wednesday along with a ping pong table! Hooray! I LOVE ping pong and can't wait to beat my nephew, Michael in a couple of weeks (not to mention his dad who I BEAT the last time we were in CA). Or was it two years ago. But hey! I did!!!

Chatters enough. Oh yeah! My voice! It is still wavering and weak. But I held its own today. But if I try to really yell at the kids/dog, it erupts to nothing. They all are enjoying it immensely.

1 comment:

  1. Interestin' post as usual. Your enthusiasm from the mornin' encouragement, then lunch and leftovers.

    Todays Tech tip: Don't look for your pictures on the cpu of your old computer. They are not there. Look on the old hard drive...and hope your ping-pong playin' brother doesn't see where you thought you had the pictures.

    We knew what you meant though, yes, you want the old pictures.
